Welcome Singularitarians!

George A. Titsworth IV

Website Founder  


I invite you to help develop this website in an effort to bring the Singularitarian community together in such a way as to empower us to have as positive an impact on the world as possible.

I've also registered Humanist.tv with the idea of providing an entertaining social networking platform to both secular and religious Humanists ...as well as Transhumanists.  In my opinion, "Singularitarians" and Transhumanists are Humanist interest-groups who've paid enough attention to what's happening with technology to have come to the realization that an almost infinitely exciting event is likely to occur in our lifetimes ...of course I'm referring to the Technological Singularity!

My goal is to form a community organization which serves the Humanist Community in a similar way to how the JCC Association of Jewish Community Centers serves the world's Jewish community.  My hope is that Humanist.tv can function as a Virtual Humanist Community Center which will help good people from all over the world stay connected with a supportive and protective community made up of other good people who are eager help each other enjoy life right now ...while we work together to bring about the most enjoyable possible future we can for all people.

I registered Singularitarianism.org and Singularitarianism.com hoping to turn them into a social-networking and information sharing site for people who are interested in looking for and discussing notable technological advancements as we progress toward the Singularity.

If you'd like to get involved, send your ideas and offers of help to: 

and/or send a message to Singularitarianism.org's Volunteer organizer...

 Jasmine M. Odom

Volunteer Organizer
